PlayStation 4 owners can find it on the PlayStation Store after searching for Minecraft.

Xbox One owners can locate the demo on the Xbox Store after searching for Minecraft. Here is where you can access the demo for consoles:

While the demo for the console is more restrictive than PC/Mac, it still allows you to experience the world of Minecraft. Play the Minecraft demo on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One It's also a good way to check if your older laptop can handle the procedurally generated worlds and sprawling landscapes of one of the best PC games and Mac games. This will give you access to the full version of Minecraft, but it only lasts for "five in-game days." A day in Minecraft runs for about 20 minutes, so you'll have just over an hour and a half to decide if the game is for you. Minecraft Play the Minecraft demo on PC and MacĪnyone looking to test out Minecraft on their home computer just needs to create a new account and download Minecraft from the official website. There's also a way to access an old version of Minecraft from 2009 for free, so long as you don't mind being more than a decade behind the times. It's not available on every system (and there are a few limitations), but it's a good idea to take advantage of the demo before buying Minecraft. Eligible platform (Xbox, PlayStation, PC)